The skin, our body's largest organ, is made up of several layers. Skin cancer originates in the epidermis, composed of squamous cells (upper layer), and can penetrate deeper into the basal cells (beneath the squamous cells) and melanocytes (cells responsible for pigmentation).
Skin cancer can affect anyone and can appear anywhere on the body, primarily on areas excessively exposed to ultraviolet light sources, such as the sun, tanning beds and sun lamps. Our medical team at Beavercreek Dermatology has years of experience in treating skin cancer across all skin tones and types.
It is important to monitor any new or emerging spots or bumps on your skin that differ in shape, color, size or texture. If you observe any spots or bumps on your skin that itch, bleed, crust or ooze, or notice any peculiar or worrisome marks, please contact us to schedule an assessment. After all, it's your skin, and you should take care of it.
In addition to your yearly skin evaluation with a board-certified dermatologist, you can conduct regular self-checks using the ABCDE method. Consult with a dermatologist immediately if a spot or mole exhibits:
A - An asymmetrical shape
B - Borders that are irregular
C - Colors that differ from one area to another
D - Diameter larger than a pencil eraser
E - Evolution in its size, shape or color since the last examination
You can reduce your chances of developing skin cancer by minimizing sun exposure and safeguarding your skin from UV rays. While we understand the appeal of the sun, it can also be damaging. Sun damage can occur all year round - even during winter. Be sure always to use SPF 30+ sunscreen and limit your exposure to harmful rays.
If you suspect you may have skin cancer, one of our experienced providers will thoroughly inspect the concerning area. If there's a chance it could be cancerous, we'll proceed with extracting a sample for additional analysis. This procedure, known as a skin biopsy, enables our dermatology clinic to send your tissue to our accredited lab. Our laboratory meets the high standards set by the College of American Pathologists for quality and precision.
Microscopic examination will reveal whether your tissue is benign (ordinary, non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). If it's the latter, our skin cancer specialists will identify the exact cancer type and devise a personalized treatment plan. Our medical practice manages all sorts of skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) and sebaceous cell carcinoma.
As a part of DOCS Dermatology Group, our dermatologists also have access to groundbreaking clinical trials for cancers that don't respond well to conventional treatments.
Don't forget: Early detection is the key to a successful treatment plan.